Friday, December 17, 2010

American Thinker: The Adolescent Left

Here's another great article from American Thinker, this time by Keith Riler:
As tempting as it is to view the machinations of the left in masterfully calculated Dr. Evil terms, today's progressive is better-understood as a ranting teenager, burdened with both a disordered view of freedom and typical adolescent entitlement issues. It's not that today's lefty is unintelligent; in fact, many are very bright. It's that he is emotionally underdeveloped.

By disordered freedom, I mean the 1960s-influenced, "don't tell me what to do/I'll do whatever the hell I want to do" kind of freedom. Pope John Paul II summarized the flaw in such a stunted and animalistic view of our potential when he explained that "[f]reedom is not a matter of doing what we like, but rather of having the right to do what we ought."
(Continue reading...)

Freedom is not a matter of doing what we like, but rather of having the right to do what we ought. ~ Pope John Paul II

I am not Catholic, but that is the most concise definition of liberty that I have ever heard, and it underscores the fundamental difference between hedonism and responsibility.

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