Saturday, June 16, 2012

Tragic, Unhealthy and Completely Predictable

Author Brian Sussman interviews a victim of our public indoctrination system:

Her conclusion is tragic, unhealthy, and completely predictable.


  1. Yes, it's a commercial for the book, Eco-Tyranny. I highly recommend it. Even if you think you're "green".

  2. Absolutely disgusting that public education has devolved to a state where young minds are indoctrinated to believe that human existence is not worthy. Yet she has not connected her ability to think and reason for productive solutions to know that life on earth w/o humans would continue to change and evolve due to natural causes beyond humans ability to affect it even when they don't exist.

    1. "Yet she has not connected her ability to think and reason for productive solutions to know that life on earth w/o humans would continue to change and evolve due to natural causes beyond humans ability to affect it even when they don't exist."

      That's because she has not been taught to think logically or critically, probably because those who are "teaching" her don't know how, or don't want her to know how. It gets more appalling the more I think about it.

  3. We who understand these matters have been asleep at the wheel of our responsibility to guard against this stupification from happening for decades. The brainwashing happening in the education system of the U.S and elsewhere is by design...
    To put it bluntly we are facing nothing short of the 'borg' level of belief-that: All must comply and join with the 'borg' for the good and future of mother earth as the 'borg see fit'.
    If we are not one with the lovey-dovey 'rainbows-butterflies-and unicorns nature is king and we humans are evil program', we are the enemy and must be exterminated for the good of mother earth.

    Just go take a gander at the good 'ol 'story of stuff' website. It had to get out of above ground school curriculum and go underground on the web.
    "Listen kids, your parents will freak out at the truth of the path to mankinds future, tell them nothing and just go online and keep silent about what you learn at this website:

    Nothing to see or be concerned about here people, just move along now, don't rock the boat or get out of line, or you will be dealt with, just go with the flow here for the good of all existence....

    The mambipambification of America and mankind ON CRACK is what we face ladies and gentlemen.

    Welcome to the new millennium.


  4. Sometimes I think all our public schools should start over, and educational standards retooled to enforce teaching and learning the basics. The best learning years up to age seven are grossly underserved, often totally wasted. That is when foreign languages are best absorbed. The girl in this video has absorbed little of any use to her if that's the best she can come up with - sorry kid, you are a loser and you don't even know it.m


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