Saturday, July 24, 2021

Gain of Function Research Ought to be Criminalized

I have never been an advocate of over-criminalization of much of anything. I'm a limited government proponent. My default response to any problem is, 'can we solve this problem with more freedom, instead of less?' We should always at least ask the question. I think this is one of the rare instances where I think the answer is 'no'. 

It seems to me that if the government has any role in this SARS COV-2 goat rodeo, it should be not just a pause in government sponsored viral gain of function research (holy crap, I'm paying for that?), it should be to ban outright, with the same moral indignation as global warming prohibitions, any gain of function research whatsoever. It isn't a matter of if it will get loose, it's when. That is unacceptable. I think the good doctor bears some direct responsibility for the COVID pandemic in the first place, and again with his malpractice in the handling of it. 

In the video from my previous post, it is pointed out that gain of function research can be used for the monetary gain of actors such as Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, which ought to be a conflict of interest, but worse than that, for state-sponsored biological warfare development. We ought to have treaties outright banning this kind of work. 


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