Friday, July 16, 2021

Washington State Income Tax Begins January 1, 2022

My employer announced that it is required to begin withholding Washington State income tax from my paycheck on January 1, 2022. I learned this for the first time from my employer, not the mainstream media. Huh. 

I didn't vote for this. Did you? One of the reasons I moved to this state in 1986 is because there was no income tax. I suppose my residence here is no net positive for Olympia, but I digress.

It's for some kind of long term care insurance policy, like Social Security, which I already resent not having the freedom to invest and plan for myself. I'll be retired before I'll be eligible to collect anything, so basically I'm just paying in. There's no benefit for me at all. What's more, they're already saying this program is underfunded, so look out. Federal income tax and Social Security started out low too. 

The state thinks all my earning are belong to them. I think we need to make a big deal out of this. 

1 comment :

  1. "...first in the country." Effectively a mandate, like O'care (in essence). No doubt this was lobbied-for by insurance "industry" and bond salesmen. ERISA, eh? "A benefit"? Grrr.


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