Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Trouble With Communism

'Capitalism' was a word coined by Karl Marx as a term of derision for free market economies. Knowing this, I refuse to call it capitalism anymore. But I digress. Jordan Peterson explains the fundamental errors in the Communist Manifesto. 

This must have been part of a symposium about forms of government, or political systems. There are two other panel members with very dour looks on their faces, which leads me to believe that they are from a different school of thought from our friend JP.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Mother, Should I Trust the Government?

Back when Pink Floyd was touring with The Wall, the answer to that question by audiences worldwide was a resounding, "no!" What changed? We have been played. The media don't tell the truth. Social media outlets suppress the truth, and censor anyone who raises the 'wrong' questions. This video will probably be taken down. If it is, I will try to replace it somehow. But you can't even trust private enterprise anymore. Maybe it's Stockhom syndrome. But we are being played. Yes, Karen, this is why I don't believe you.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Yo, Karen: This Isn't Rocket Science

You have a 10% chance of contracting a disease with a 99.98% survival rate. But hey...

If masks work, then wear one. Protect yourself. It doesn't matter what I do. If masks don't work, it doesn't matter what any of us do.

If vaccines work, then take the vaccine. Protect yourself. It doesn't matter what I do. If vaccines don't work, it doesn't matter what any of us do. 

But let's get real: if you play music in the new, improved Afghanistan, you face a 100% chance of a bullet through the head. Mask or no mask. 

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Worth Watching: Bill Whittle, Stephen Green and Zo Rachel | Right Angle Lightning Round

Just when you think they couldn't pack any more wisdom into one video, they do another Lightning Round.

I tagged this post with Kakistocrat of the Year, because I'm pretty sure Uncle Joe is gonna be the one.